Meet the team...

We are only a small outfit of people who have come together in response to the loss of a local arthouse cinema.

We are passionate about film and passionate about film enriching our lives - so dont come along expecting to sit in a characterless sanitised space.  But do come along to a screening - you will be charged a fair price, meet new people, make new friends and support a local not for profit group.  

Isn't film just amazing?

Rob Carrick

Heading up all things to do with this venture - if not focusing on bringing this all together then probably watching a film.

I'm keen on partnership management, podcast development, and seeking new opportunities for growth.



Kevin Gooding

The man with the technical know-how who also happens to be our treasurer.

If not chasing the Social Cinema Bromley dream, then can usually be found actually in a cinema somewhere in London.

Gill Lowe

Gill is our volunteer coordinator so we know full well that this will now be a well oiled machine

Gill is full of enthusiasm and energy for this project so we reckon that in about a week, we would have gone global.

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